Interior Design

The Well-Being Checklist: Ensuring Your Interior Design Supports Happiness for Years to Come

Isbah Estateyieh
10 Feb 2023
5 min read


In our approach to interior design for clients, we emphasize the importance of considering long-term well-being impacts, even when certain aspects may seem insignificant initially. It's crucial to highlight and assess all factors, regardless of whether they are typically considered. Surprisingly, clients sometimes make compromises without recognizing the potential consequences of their decisions on the final design outcome.

As we delve deeper into the realm of interior design, it becomes apparent that the essence of creating spaces that truly nurture the human spirit lies in understanding the profound interplay between architecture and well-being.

We, as experts, understand the significance of various design elements, such as natural light, and the impact they have on functionality and comfort. We conduct thorough assessments and explore multiple options to ensure that our designs not only prioritize aesthetics but also enhance functionality, comfort, and overall joy in our clients' lives. Our goal is to provide expert guidance throughout the design process, ensuring that every decision contributes positively to the well-being of our clients.

"Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space... On the one hand, it's about shelter, but it's also about pleasure." Zaha Hadid

Below is a straight forward checklist we advise our clients to use when evaluating their space's design:

Interior Design Well-Being Checklist:
  1. Functionality and Comfort
    • Is functionality prioritized to ensure the space serves its intended purpose effectively?
    • Have comfort considerations been made for furniture and ergonomic designs?
  2. Natural Light andVentilation
    • Is there ample access to natural light through windows, skylights, or light-colored interior finishes?
    • Is ventilation adequate to promote fresh air circulation within the space?
  3. Biophilic Elements
    • Are elements of nature, such as indoorplants, natural materials, or views of greenery, incorporated?
    • Have biophilic design principles been considered to enhance well-being and connection to the environment?
  4. Color Psychology
    • Have colors been selected based ontheir psychological impact to create a harmonious atmosphere?
    • Are overwhelming or overly stimulating color schemes avoided?
  5. Clutter-Free Spaces
    • Is a minimalist approach embraced to maintain clutter-free environments?
    • Are sufficient storage solutions incorporated to keep belongings organized and out of sight?
  6. Acoustic Comfort
    • Have the acoustic properties of the space been considered to minimize noise disturbances?
    • Are sound-absorbing materials incorporated to create a peaceful atmosphere conducive to concentration and relaxation?
  7. Personalization and Emotional Connection
    • Does the design reflect the personality and preferences of the occupants?
    • Are meaningful elements incorporated to foster an emotional connection and sense of ownership?
  8. Thermal Comfort
    • Are optimal thermal conditions ensured through proper insulation and efficient heating/cooling systems?
    • Are options provided for occupants to adjust temperature settings according to their preferences?

As you design your space, remember that well-being is about more than just aesthetics. Prioritize functionality, comfort, and personalization to create a sanctuary that nurtures your mind and body. Need help creating your perfect space? Contact us today for expert guidance and design assistance. Your well-being starts with your space!

Isbah Estateyieh
10 Feb 2023
5 min read